Towards a Better Future

From their unique vantage points in the creative industries, these speakers share their ideas about the power of design, craft and community in shaping a better future. How can we create and better support creative ecosystems? How do they use their processes to create possiblity? What is required to help reposition Indonesia from a production hub to a country with a competitive, thriving creative system? What advice is there for Indonesian designers looking to make a name for themselves on the global stage and take Indonesian design to the world?

18 August 2024 | 16:30 – 17:30

RSVP here

*Please note that Jia Curated Kiosks is a ticketed event. Your ticket grants you access to the festival, talks and performances.


Alvin Tjitrowirjo

Designer and Founder of alvinT


Owner of TONYRAKA Gallery

Hans Tanutama

General Manager of Viro


Jeremy Smart

Co-editor-in-chief, Design Anthology